Monday, July 21, 2014

Diet Dashboard

It's here!  I am excited to report that the Diet Dashboard app is now available on iTunes and Google Play!

Diet Dashboard (iTunes)

Diet Dashboard (Android)

Responsible Eating: A Primer

So, what is the Diet Dashboard?  Put simply, the Diet Dashboard is a new way of approaching calories.  After years of experimenting with calorie logging, I have come to a realization - the critical flaw in traditional calorie tracking methodologies is that, while they address the "how much" to eat, they provide no guidance on "when to eat."  The Diet Dashboard is my humble attempt to address this flaw.

The way Diet Dashboard works is, after you've entered your information under "user settings," you enter how many calories you ate and when you ate them, and the app will provided a recommended next meal time.  The principle behind the idea is the well known fact that everything we eat is either stored as fat or burned as calories - if you are constantly burning off all the food you eat, then your body can't store food as calories!  The Diet Dashboard app calculates your next meal time based on your daily caloric needs, so if you consistently wait till the recommended time to eat, then you can literally eat whatever you want, and your body won't store your food as fat.

I have been testing this concept on myself since at least April, and I can tell you that it works!  If you look back at my post on May 11th, you'll see what got me started down this path.  In the nearly six months that I've been testing the concept and beta testing the app, I have learned some interesting things about using this app.  What's more, I have been kicking around a concept I like to call "Responsible Eating."  This is a concept I came upon one day after eating a ridiculously large meal and thinking to myself, "wow, that was borderline irresponsible!"

In support of the app and this whole "Responsible Eating" thing, I have been working on a primer to describe the things I've learned about using the app and eating responsibly.  The app is free for all, but if you like the idea and would like to learn more about it, then I encourage you to visit Amazon and purchase the book.  It's a quick read at fifteen pages, but I think you will find value in it as it is intended to help you get on the fast track of using this app the way it was intended.

(Note: Version 1.0 has some noted spelling errors, and I am already in the process of submitting version 1.1 with corrections.)

If you would like to discuss the Diet Dashboard, how to use it, and ideas of how to improve it down the road, please feel free to start a discussion by leaving a comment.  I hope this app works as well for you as it has for me, and I am looking forward to learning user experiences with it!

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