Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Giving MFP a Rest

Looking at my calorie tally for yesterday, and how it's shaping up today, I'm thinking about taking a break from MFP (myfitnesspal.com) for the rest of the week.  Hear me out...

After having finished P90X, I found myself with the body I thought I'd never have--169# and as fit as I was when I graduated from Marine Corps boot camp.  (Confirmed!  I did 12 pull-ups during the post-fit test, which was as much as I ever did in the Marines).  P90X, in conjunction with MFP, proved to be a winning combination.

So I know P90X works, and I know MFP works, but here's the deal: I'm going through a one week down time between P90X and Insanity, and I'm on vacation.  That vacation piece is the more significant factor.  During my down week I'll be in San Francisco, where I am actively planning to indulge in gastronomic delights.  I'm planning to gnash on Kara's Cupcakes, savor a sourdough bowl of clam chowder at Boudin's Bakery, put Krispy Kreme to the Pepsi Challange against Dynamo Donut, and find out what a real burrito tastes like by choosing a recommended spot from burritoeater.com (probably Gordo's).

And that's just in San Francisco!  When I'm in Palo Alto, I'm planning on having lunch at In & Out (not that there's anything special about the In & Outs in Palo Alto, it will just happen to work out that way).  Dinner will be at Kelley Brother's Brewery, where I absolutely must have a pint of Fossil Fuel Brewery's ancient ale (real Jurassic Park stuff here--they make their beer with yeast that was fossilized in amber millions of years ago)!

I suppose I could obtain nutritional info where available to input into MFP, but it's not going to change my plans.  I could estimate where nutrition info is not available, or even email restaurants directly for the nutrition facts if need be.  But (not) surprisingly, Kara doesn't post the nutrition facts of her cupcakes online.  I can't help but feel that there is something twisted about feeling compelled to account for the calorie cost of a cupcake while on vacation.  By doing so, aren't I missing the point?

No, I'm going to give MPF a rest this week.  After successfully completing 3 months of P90X, doubles at that, I think I've earned this week of not caring.  Besides, with Insanity looming on the horizon, I might need all of the calorie reserves I can get!

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