Friday, June 10, 2011

Flagship Post

Here it is, the title photo!

So I'm 2 weeks from finishing P90X (one resistance week and one recovery week), and man has it been a journey!  My journey has been characterized by the successes, setbacks, and minor injuries that are probably common to the experiences of anyone who has tackled any serious workout regemin, and you know what?  Like all those who came before me, I'm better off for it.

My journey has not been some monochromatic experience of work out and repeat.  Thanks to the Team Beachbody message boards, I have been challenged to re-evaluate my assumptions of health and fitness, resulting in an enhanced and much more well-rounded understanding of fitness than when I began.  I am truly grateful to the TBB community for helping me along in my journey.

To that end, my hope is to convey all that I've learned, and everything I continue to learn, to anyone who is interested through this medium.  I will share with you my discoveries, my analysis of health and fitness trends based on what is currently being published (both in print and online), my successes, and my failures.  Maybe even more importantly, I will share with you the new things I try and the new adventures I embark on, because as far as I'm concerned, what good is it to have great health and not do anything with it?  Cliches abound about the journey being more important than the destination; they're cliche's because there's truth to them.

It has been a fantastic ride so far, and completing P90X represents another milestone.  I hope you'll join me in this wonderful, wild ride!

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