Saturday, November 12, 2011

13 seconds away from a free lunch...with a three-star admiral!

There I am, lap two around the base, rounding the final bend toward the finish line when the monitor calls out

"Nine minutes!!!"

I can see the finish line in the distance.  If I can get there in 20 seconds, I will have maxed the PRT...a feat that I have never accomplished.  Granted, the standards are lower now in my old age; I only have to do 90-something crunches, 80 push-ups, and run a mile-and-a-half in 9:20 seconds, but I'm flying.  Twenty seconds away.  I can make that!

"Nine thirty-one.  Nine thirty-two.  Nine thirty-three!  Way to go!!!"

"Damn it!!!!!"

Okay, so I'm not all that hot and bothered about not having the Admiral pick up my lunch.  It's just that I've never been 13 seconds away from maxing the PRT.  However, putting it all into perspective, last time I ran the PRT was April 19th.  I think I was one month into my first round of P90X at the time, weighed 187 lbs, and scored an overall "Excellent High," doing 101 crunches, 66 push-ups, and a mile-and-a-half time that was over 10 minutes.  In six months of doing P90X and Insanity, I managed to max both push-ups and crunches and shaved easily over 30 seconds off of my run!  I might not be rocking a six-pack yet, but I can honestly say that between P90X, Insanity, and Precision Nutrition, I am in the best shape of my life!

(Oh, and since I ran the make-up PRT, I was running with a very small group of like 6 or so people.  So, yeah, I got the #1 card on the run.  I've never taken first place on the run before either!)

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