Friday, November 4, 2011

Done--PN Certified!!!

I realize that it has been forever since I've written anything, but hey!  We all get busy, right?  Well, one of the things that has been keeping me busy is Precision Nutrition Level 1 certification, and I've gotta say that I'm glad to be done!

I haven't written about it yet, but Precision Nutrition has significantly impacted my life ever since I learned about it back in the middle of the year.  I learned about it as I was researching recovery drinks for the workout group I was involved with during my first round of P90X, and I just got sucked into the articles.  The PN website has a wealth of absolutely free articles that address the gamut of health and fitness.  In fact, you could probably learn just about everything there is to know about the PN system for free just by reading all of the articles.  But that would take forever, and I wanted a more concise and structured presentation of the fundamentals of the system, so I ordered the Precision Nutrition System, and down the rabbit hole I went.

I've got to be honest, I was skeptical at first.  The product information website did that whole "flood the potential customer with information" thing that I've seen in other, less reputable products.  The price offer even does that "display the retail price and markdown" thing and the "post the availability status" thing to generate a sense of limited availability.  I knew that what I read online was quality material, and the materials that were advertised to come with the system seemed worthwhile, but I remember being a little put-off by the presentation of the system.  Still, I figured that I've made $100 mistakes before, and while this could have been another, it turned out to be well worth it.

There are a number of successful nutritional models and programs out there, of which PN is just one of them.  However, the system focuses on eating healthy, whole foods and minimizing supplements.  It teaches healthy eating habits over systems and points and really codifies what good nutrition is in a sea full of conflicting guidance.  As far as I can tell, Precision Nutrition is perhaps the most comprehensive and practical nutrition system out there, and I say that from experience.  Thanks to Precision Nutrition, I've improved my diet, streamlined my supplementation, and have maintained my weight in the mid-170s ever since finishing my first round of P90X four months ago.

With a program as amazing as Precision Nutrition, naturally I wanted to share what I've learned with others.  There was only one problem: PN teaches you the foundation of good nutrition and how to customize your nutrition if you so desire, but the system is not really geared toward teaching others.  Sure, I could tell people what the system says, but then I'm giving nutritional advice, and I didn't exactly feel qualified to do that.  But then I saw that PN would be offering a certification course toward the end of this year.  The way I saw it was pretty simple: the PN system teaches you how to eat better, and PN certification would teach me how to teach others.

The program was VERY comprehensive.  The text was seventeen chapters long, half of which was devoted to biological function and the other half to PN coaching.  I learned more than I ever though I would about mitochondrial function, Krebs Cycle, transport proteins, and metabolic pathways.  By the time I got through all of the material, I felt ready to take the exam.  After years of short-answer exams, I figured a 100 question multiple-guess exam would be cake.  When the very first question asked me to identify which chemical was "cardioprotective," I knew I was wrong to underestimate the exam.  They weren't kidding when they said that this would be equivalent to a masters course in sports nutrition!

But all that's behind me now, and I have the "omini-domini" from Precision Nutrition to go forth and teach.  I plan to offer my services to any of my customers on TeamBeachbody.  And if anyone reading this wants my help to improve their overall nutrition, let me know.  I'm sure we can work something out!

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